Maryland, Oregon, Kentucky, Minnesota & Rhode Island Employees Honored
The National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) is pleased to announce the recipients of the association’s 2017 national awards.
The Gloria Timmer Award is the most significant award and highest honor bestowed upon budget officers by NASBO. This year is pleased to recognize two individuals with this award. The first 2017 Gloria Timmer award co-recipient is Thomas Mullaney, State Budget Officer for the Rhode Island Department of Administration – Budget Office. Mr. Mullaney was recognized for 30 years of public service to the State of Rhode Island and his six years of leadership within NASBO. The second 2017 Gloria Timmer award co-recipient is George Naughton, Chief Financial Officer & Budget Director for the Oregon Department of Administrative Services. Mr. Naughton was recognized for 20 years of service to the State of Oregon, particularly the positive impacts he made on Oregon’s financial situation, most notably his guidance through the Great Recession and continual work to focus on long term budget models.
The George A. Bell Award is presented to an individual whose contributions and service best exemplify the ideals of sound budgeting and management in state government for which NASBO’s first President, George Bell is remembered. This year is pleased to recognize two individuals with the 2017 George A. Bell award. The first co-recipient is Nathan Bowen, Supervising Budget Examiner in the Maryland Department of Budget & Management, Office of Budget Analysis. Mr. Bowen is recognized for his significant and innovative transformation of budgeting processes, development of extensive procedures manual for analysts, and implementation of efficient processes to track legislation. The second co-recipient is Carissa Ralbovsky, Budget Supervisor for Public Safety and Environment in the Maryland Department of Budget & Management, Office of Budget Analysis. Ms. Ralbovsky is recognized for her outstanding leadership and contributions the development and management of a more efficient and automated process for Managing for Results and budget instruction procedures.
Suzanne Amerault, Executive Assistant in the Rhode Island Office of Management & Budget, is the recipient of the 2017 Administrative Excellence in a State Budget Office award for her extreme professionalism and dedication to the Rhode Island Office of Management and Budget including production of the various budget documents printed at the time of submission of the Governor's annual budget to preparing the Official Statement for debt issuances.
NASBO also bestows awards to state budget personnel in each region for outstanding contributions and service to public budgeting and management in state government. The 2017 J. H. Rester Southern Region Award recipient is Kathleen Redmon Marshall, Policy and Budget Analyst V in the Kentucky Office of State Budget Director for her instrumental contributions to improvement in budgeting and management practices in economic development and postsecondary education in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The 2017 Robert M. Armstrong Midwestern Region Award recipient is Ahna Minge, Executive Budget Officer in the Minnesota Management and Budget office for her outstanding contribution to improving the understanding of complex health care policy issues and for her leadership with Minnesota’s Health Insurance Premium Subsidy program. The 2017 Fred W. Links Western Region Award recipient is Brian DeForest, Deputy Chief Financial Officer in the Oregon Department of Administrative Services for focusing his public sector career around customer service and the relentless dedication to perfecting the art of budgeting in the state of Oregon.